Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Flood at 18 floor

It was a very very heavy rain yesterday evening. The wind was so so strong until the pail that was outside the balcony nearly flew down stairs.

The rain water came in from the bottom of sliding door because water wasn't able to drain fast. Wind was blowing towards our balcony. The balcony was flooded. Later, water started to come in from the bottom of the sliding door. It was like raining indoor. No one could imagine that a condo at 18 floor will be flooded. I managed to capture the little flood scene in our house. It was like raining in the house. It's simply unbelievable.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I'm back at HOME!! Hubby, girl and me took flight back to KL on Sat. Luckily that there was no delay on our flight. We managed to reach home at 8pm for Yee Syuen's 1st birthday party. It was a pity that no photos were taken because Ee's camera was broken. Anyway, everyone enjoyed themselves. We always love family gatherings! =)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

It's my favourite wallpaper!

I have been thinking of doing this for quite some time. Finally, I did it! Yeah! It is my favourite wallpaper. Isn't it sweet and nice?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

My cleaned and pampered feet!

Everyone should love their feet. Everyday we put our heavy weight on our small little feet. We should love and pamper them. Break the bad habit of peeling your heel if they cracked. (I promise that I won't feel mine anymore!)

Finally, I got my pedicure. I couldn't remember when was the last time I had a pedicure. Although, the money spent gave me an ouch but I enjoyed my pedicure!! I heart this fabulous light pink!
Look at my pampered feet!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I'm lazy!!

I'm a lazy blogger or my life is simply too dull that there's nothing for me to write about. I have been tired and very very very bored each day. It's not that there's nothing for me to do but I just can't find the energy or spirit to do anything, not even GAMING!! Can you imagine how suck is it? Ah!!!!!!
o cut everything short, last week was basically all about ION! Haha.. We went dinner at Sushi Kikuzawa which is an awesome place for sushi lovers and a big NO NO for non raw food eater. It was a so so dinner coz only hubby and me were enjoying the great sushi!! Weekend was ION ION ION! Haha.. What I can say is girl likes the place too! It's so nice and spacious for a little person like her. The toilets were so pretty but somehow I managed to find the ceiling of one of the toilet cubicle was leaking coz the paint is popped up and molded. Haih, talk about a newly open mall which everyone is Sg is talking about. Woohoo!!

Girl @ Sushi Kikuzawa
My HAPPY place. Can't wait for PRADA to open!