Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I'm lazy!!

I'm a lazy blogger or my life is simply too dull that there's nothing for me to write about. I have been tired and very very very bored each day. It's not that there's nothing for me to do but I just can't find the energy or spirit to do anything, not even GAMING!! Can you imagine how suck is it? Ah!!!!!!
o cut everything short, last week was basically all about ION! Haha.. We went dinner at Sushi Kikuzawa which is an awesome place for sushi lovers and a big NO NO for non raw food eater. It was a so so dinner coz only hubby and me were enjoying the great sushi!! Weekend was ION ION ION! Haha.. What I can say is girl likes the place too! It's so nice and spacious for a little person like her. The toilets were so pretty but somehow I managed to find the ceiling of one of the toilet cubicle was leaking coz the paint is popped up and molded. Haih, talk about a newly open mall which everyone is Sg is talking about. Woohoo!!

Girl @ Sushi Kikuzawa
My HAPPY place. Can't wait for PRADA to open!

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