Thursday, August 12, 2010

Massive updates!

This is what happens when you don't update your blog frequently.. Pictures to tell the story.. It was 31 July 2010. The week before National Day! It was the one day that I didn't bring my camera along. I didn't know that we were going to this place.. Hubby said that I don't qualitify as a blogger. So all these were taken using his iphone.
Girl was enjoying and running ard. Didn't manage to catch a pic of her running.
This is love
She was enjoying the nuts while we were drinking mocktails.. Mocktails are for kids.. LOL
This awesome place is called One on the Bund. The deco are super cool..
Menu time. The food was great but my picture sucks so I didn't upload them. Gee..
Awesome fireworks!
I love these flowers. I would like some in my home one day. The coffee table is nice but not ver useful..
Trying to be artsy.. LOVE!!

Another one coming!

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