Sunday, August 1, 2010

Strictly Girls Only

Yes, it was a girls' night out at Suping's on a Friday night. It's the first time that we arranged something like this. Her hubby was away for 3 weeks, leaving his newly wed wifey and their new nest to us! Wahaha.. What happens when 5 girls and one young little one gathers? Lots of laugther and gossiping! It was hell lots of fun and the pictures couldn't justified. Hee..

Hsuan was so happy and she was making herself at home.
SP's Aglio Olio or Olio Aglio. I don't know what it's called you get the idea. Cooked with love!

There's no photo of Jacq! She was too busy capturing the moments.

McD for supper!

Breakfast with love from SP! I never knew that prata with cheese, ham and eggs tasted so yumz! Everyone napped on Satruday afternoon coz 6 girls squeezed in a room with a queen sized bed and 2 single mattress equals to no good rest! But it was hell fun!
OFTD: Dot's F21 inspired top and vintage floral skirt.

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