Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Ask me anything

Friday, April 22, 2011

Audrey Hepburn said....

“I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.”

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Feeling lost......

I have been feeling lost since my trip back from KL. I guess this is the afer effect of having a too exciting Saturday night at Jaychou's concert then need to hit back on Sunday evening..

Couldn't stop singing his songs in my head.. It brought back many memories while I was watching his concert. The songs that he released at the different stage of my life.. Way too many memories..... It actually made me feel young again while watching his concert. Lots of flashbacks and happenings in my life. Most importantly, I had a great time with my sister which we didn't have for quite sometime.. Gee... *grinning*

Need to prepare myself for more upcoming designs for DOT and also to keep up on the work!! Jia you!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

First photoshoot in the studio!

My first photoshoot for DOT in the studio on last Saturday. It was certainly a crazy one coz I was joining the lfea downstairs and shooting the model upstairs at the same time. Thanks to my hubby for helping me in all my fleas and giving me all the support that I need to keep myself moving on. A big thank you to my little angel for being such an obedient and good girl during the shoot.

Here are some of the behind the scene photos. Enjoy!

I love this picture of her. I forgot what we were talking about and she had this smile!















Friday, January 21, 2011


I have been really cranky and short-tempered lately. I hope that it's just a short term thingy and will go away asap! I really need to learn to control my temper before something bad and hurtful happens to me or my loved ones! :)

On a happier note, I'm really going to launch my first manufactured dress! Really hope that it'll be a sold out piece as lots of time, effort and kaching are put into it! I have been cracking my head to think of a new name for my label and also to go hunt for a new model, studio.. Gosh, these are all so new to me and the pressure is building up! Finally, the shoot is set tomorrow and I got a new name for the label! I hope that everything goes well and the photos will come out as what I want. PS, I'm the photographer..

Had a little pre-shoot with Rachel last Thurs at Clarke Quay and here they are! Enjoy!






Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Why people don't like to shop inside *scape mall?

I have been doing bazaar at *scape mall for quite a few times. The one thing that I notice is people don't really want to walk into the mall. Crowd rather shop at the basement (normally fleas are organised there) where it's dark, hot and humid than stepping into the mall which is fully air-conditioned and bright!
These are the few reasons that I could think of :-
1) Nothing to see in the mall.
2) Prices are higher for items which is selling in the bazaar.
3) I like to squeeze at hot and humid places!
Couldn't think of anymore...

Well, firstly I would agree that there isn't any much to see in the mall but the air-conditioned inside is a plus point for u to go in to chill down instead of going to the hot and humid basement, right? Secondly, items aren't really that expensive for those in the atrium. Of course u can't expect $2 to $5 for dresses and top that are brand new!! But, $20 for a brand new quality dress is quite reasonable right? The last reason... I just write it cause I couldn't think of more........ =)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Love yourself

This song has been singing in my head since I woke up! I was a little skeptical when I first knew about the song and also the title of the song. It's called LOVE, which is such a cliche title for a group member who launched her first single solo..

So, I went a youtubed this song and listened to it. It was a little weird and confusing coz the lyrics started on, you love me, i love u, he loves him and it goes on. Later, I started to love the simplicity of it and how it tells u to love yourself in so little words. So, this would be a new favourite song - LOVE by Hebe Tian! Her voice is just pure awesome! Enjoy!