Friday, January 21, 2011


I have been really cranky and short-tempered lately. I hope that it's just a short term thingy and will go away asap! I really need to learn to control my temper before something bad and hurtful happens to me or my loved ones! :)

On a happier note, I'm really going to launch my first manufactured dress! Really hope that it'll be a sold out piece as lots of time, effort and kaching are put into it! I have been cracking my head to think of a new name for my label and also to go hunt for a new model, studio.. Gosh, these are all so new to me and the pressure is building up! Finally, the shoot is set tomorrow and I got a new name for the label! I hope that everything goes well and the photos will come out as what I want. PS, I'm the photographer..

Had a little pre-shoot with Rachel last Thurs at Clarke Quay and here they are! Enjoy!






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