Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Why people don't like to shop inside *scape mall?

I have been doing bazaar at *scape mall for quite a few times. The one thing that I notice is people don't really want to walk into the mall. Crowd rather shop at the basement (normally fleas are organised there) where it's dark, hot and humid than stepping into the mall which is fully air-conditioned and bright!
These are the few reasons that I could think of :-
1) Nothing to see in the mall.
2) Prices are higher for items which is selling in the bazaar.
3) I like to squeeze at hot and humid places!
Couldn't think of anymore...

Well, firstly I would agree that there isn't any much to see in the mall but the air-conditioned inside is a plus point for u to go in to chill down instead of going to the hot and humid basement, right? Secondly, items aren't really that expensive for those in the atrium. Of course u can't expect $2 to $5 for dresses and top that are brand new!! But, $20 for a brand new quality dress is quite reasonable right? The last reason... I just write it cause I couldn't think of more........ =)

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