Thursday, January 6, 2011

Hello 2011!

Good morning peeps! I have been waiting to blog about this for quite some time but I always forget. LOL! Anyway, it's never too late for a new year post and one to sum up 2010!
Well, my yr has been the same old routine. My daugther, DOT, flying back and forth Sg and nothing. My life is too bored and I need some new excitement. I have been feeling very emo for the past few days. Reading new year wishes and also other bloggers' excitement on the new year makes me feel worse. It makes me wondering am I the only one in the world that isn't too excited about the new year? Is just another day to me.. Why everyone is posting happy things on blogs and fb? I know I sound like a nut case. But, I'm feeling better already after talking to my bestie!
Well, I wish for a healthy and joyful 2011! Hopefully I'll get older and wiser (kicks own ass!)

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