Monday, July 20, 2009

Our outing for the day

Little girl and me went out this morning to get her milk powder. We went to Mcdonald's for breakfast. The staffs were friendly enough to help me with the food as all of us know McD is a self-service place. They actually delivered the food to me as they saw that I'm with the little terror. Thumbs up for McD staffs at PS!
Later, we went to Carrefour to check out the price of her milk powder.. It was selling at normal price of $54.60 and they claimed that it's under promotion price.. Scammers!! So, we proceed to Giant @ Vivocity hoping for a cheaper price. Little girl was so cute. She helped me with her trollers.. Haha. Actually she was just trying to be kehpo... She did threw tantrum but it wasn't as bad as the one we had on Saturday. =)

We hit to Giant as soon as we reached Vivocity.. It was selling @ the price of $54.63. We bought it anyway since littlr girl needs her milk. We proceeded back to RC Rd. Girl is so tired that she fell asleep after bathed. Luckily I fed her milk soon we reached. I think she's tired with this morning's outing.
Can I have my breakfast?

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