Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Today ain't that bad..

Hsuan Hsuan is recovering... But she's still throwing temper, especially this morning. Luckily it became better, at least she has second thoughts before hitting me. So, I guess that's an improvement..

Now, why am I staying up late at this hour while my eyes are actually half open? My hair is still wet.. This is what I get for showering late.. Gosh... Anyway, I wanna thank Jacq who will be helping me collect my shoes from a nice cotter, Cindy. I really love them. I can't wait to see them tomorrow. Haih.. Feeling guilty for spending again.. I have been doing quite some online shopping lately.. Need to pamper myself abit .. Thinking of colouring my hair, my long lost mani and pedi..... Still can't decide what to wear for tomorrow's dinner with the girls.. Stay tuned for the pic.. I hope that we will remember to take picture this time.. Hehe..

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