Monday, July 27, 2009

Weekend updates!!

I slept at 545am Saturday morning!! Yoohoo!! I couldn't remember when was the last time I went clubbing. But, I had hell a lot of fun at Dragonfly!! Yeah!! I wore the Lotta top which I just received on Friday.. I heart it so so much!!
It was ok at first. The fun began after we had the chicken wings that Chuan Yan ordered. The chicken wings were so so yummy!! Jacq and me started to get hyper after we ate the wings. We suspected that there are drugs in them.. Haha.. It was dancing, hugging, drinking and singing all the way... It was fun.. Hell lots of fun!!! Jacq and Wendy, I love you girls!!
I was like a zombie throughout the Saturday. My legs are killing me.. This is the consequences for not doing regular exercises! Anyway, hubby, little girl and me went Crystal Jade at PS for dinner.. We had an enjoyable dinner!! Girl loved everything that hubby ordered!!
Sunday was stayed at home day as hubby needed to prepare for his exam. So, there's nothing much to write about.. Hehe..

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