Friday, July 24, 2009

Role play Alpha Bitch

Haha... I'll be the temporary Alpha Bitch in this house for a week as the old Alpha Bitch went holiday! It's so quiet and peaceful. I like! I'll also be the chef for the whole week! Yay!! I get to play masak masak minus the washing part!
Last night's dinner was steamed veggies with fried garlic and oyster sauce, fried eggs with long beans, 'old' cucumber soup and ginger chicken with wine.. Yummy.. Out of all, I heart the fried eggs. Girl likes it too! I shall try the ginger chicken with wine again! It's one of my favourite dish!
This morning we went breakfast! Yummy!! Girl nearly broke the stroller. We were on the travelator and we were reached soon. I was too busy making sure that girl was safe and I kinda ignored the stroller. Girl was holding it and she pushed it slightly towards the right while we reached. The stroller caught under the handle of the travelator. I thought it was going to break coz I heard tearing sound. I was busy making sure that Girl was alright. Luckily I met a nice lady who was behind us. She helped me to get the stroller out from misery. She was the only nice person. Other people just walked away. So bad! I stopped the travelator coz was afraid that someone might get hurt. It was close thou. Everything was alright. We managed to get the stroller out and it didn't break at all. The tearing sound was the cloth on the seat. It's still functionable! Soon, we headed back to RC Rd coz girl was getting tired. I took away my favourite QQ rice and milk tea. Yummy!!
It was quite an adventure because of the stroller incident. Not to mentioned that there is shit inside the lift at the Farrer Park Mrt. Yucks! Me, being a nice Singapore PR informed the control station officer and told him to get it cleaned up! =) Tonight's dinner shall be Spaghetti!! Yummy! I like to role play as Alpha Bitch. I hope that we can get our own place soon. Then, I can be the real Alpha Bitch!! Haha!!

PS: I managed to fit in one of my old pants!! Haha!! I'm so happy.. and I just received the nice top from MC. I heart it!!
Girl fell back to dreamland for 5 mins after milk this morning.
Cam whoring with mommy during breakfast

She fell asleep..

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